Here are some tips for you to maintain your good online reputation and how to manage bad feedbacks.
1. Start Utilizing Your Social Network Accounts Properly.
Social networking sites are excellent medium in building a positive reputation. Properly use of these sites can give a good impact to your name. Participate to a good campaign, share pleasant articles and follow reputable people that fit to your interest.
2. Set-up Alerts System.
To know who are talking about you on the Internet subscribe or create an alert system. There are free alerts online that you can use like Google Alert and there are paid one but for a small amount to pay. These alert systems will send you an email daily for you to know when and how did someone mentioned you online.
3. Create a Good Public Profile.
Public profile can sometimes help other people to know you a little better. There are also some websites that allow you to create free and good profiles like aside from Linkedin which is fantastic for Professional Profile that you can share.
4. Do Not Bash Other People Online.
People didn't realize that bashing online is a form bullying. If you are tags as online bully, people may think that you are bad, and they will start creating terrible feedbacks about you that can be share to social media sites.
5. Do Not Rant Online.
Ranting is one of the most people do online, specifically on Facebook, Twitter and their own blogs. Online ranting can also give a bad impression about you because people think negatively especially if they always see your post ranting about something.
We never know who are our real friends online, so we'd better checked our online reputation from time to time. Who knows if somebody posts something badly about you, and you can't even depend yourself.
In addition, these days, some of the company does online checking before they hire a particular applicant. They also check our social networking sites before they decide to call us for an interview. So, better manage everything in our online life before its too late.
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Also, provide great customer care online. That will even enhance ones earned online reputation. I'd like to share this great commentary about the matter: